Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Final Steps

As in any good autopsy our pathologists carefully placed each organ back in its proper position. The next challenge was baseball stitching closed our y-shaped incision.

With all the preservative fluids emptied out, our pigs were much skinnier than when we began. We soon learned that a few in the class were not destined for careers as surgeons. Some of our post mortem stitching seemed to resemble the work of Dr. Frankenstein. (Pictures have been omitted to protect the identities and egos!)


  1. I'm actually pretty impressed with the stitching skills of the student who stitched the pig above.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Those are some really brave students. There is no way i couldve disected those piggy wiggys

  4. You guys are doing a great job, Keep up the good work ( Marco you are really brave).

  5. That's gross, it looks like you guys know what you're doing. I don't know if I'd want to do that though.

  6. you guys going to make porkchops

  7. Rodricka, that is basically the same thing my mom said. "Oh those poor little piggies."
